Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hobby Lobby - A Novena to St. Joseph the Worker starts March 17, 2014

On March 25, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc., a case arising out of the commitment of Hobby Lobby owners David and Barbara Green and their family to live out their deeply held religious convictions by "operating their company in a manner consistent with biblical principles." 

Please pray for religious freedom!  This case, according to the National Catholic Register, is closely watched as it "could affect 46 other legal challenges to the mandate filed by for-profit organizations." 2

Saint Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, was a carpenter by trade, and thus he has always been regarded as the patron of workers. 1

A novena is a prayer to be said over nine days.  We ask St Joseph to pray for our intentions, as he, being a saint in Heaven, can carry our prayers and present them to God on our behalf. 

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments on March 25th, 2014;  nine days from  the Feast of St. Patrick. 

May we pray for the Green Family, for continued strength, as well as the Becket Fund, who is representing Hobby Lobby, along with EWTN, in their legal challenges to the HHS mandate.  Pray for truth, justice, and God's will to prevail.

Novena to St. Joseph the Worker

O God, the Creator of all things, You have laid the law of labor upon the human race. Grant, we beseech You, that by the example and protection of St. Joseph we may perform the work You command and attain to the reward that You promise. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 - - Scott P. Richert
2 - National Catholic Register - Joan Frawley Desmond