What is the basis for this total Consecration?
St. Louis de Montfort recognized that at its very foundation Christian life is nothing less than a participation in the life of Jesus Christ. Through baptism we belong completely to Christ and holiness, therefore, is the common vocation of all Christians.The spirituality of total consecration that Montfort proposes bases itself in this reality which is the central mystery of Christianity – by means of his Incarnation and Cross, Jesus Christ has saved us and has made us true children of God the Father, filled with his Holy
Spirit. This is to say, Jesus, the Son of God the Father has shared in our human condition in every way so that we may be given a sharing in his Divine life. This sharing of Jesus is not a partial sharing, but a complete sharing. He has given himself to us even to the point of sharing our dying so that we may share in everything with him.
This sharing includes his relation with Mary because he who is truly the Son of the Almighty Father is also the son of Mary. Furthermore, because Jesus has given himself completely to us through Mary, those who wish to give themselves completely to Christ must do the same. Through Mary salvation came into our world and through Mary we can experience the fullness of this same salvation which is nothing less than a total sharing, a profound participation, in the life of Jesus Christ. In the words of Louis de Montfort, no one can truly be a child of God the Father without also being a child of Mary. Info made possible by montfortspirituality.org.
If you wish to make this act of Consecration, use this link: Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
My Consecration
I made my Act of Total Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 2009, according to the Spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort. The priest who witnessed my consecration was Fr. Coultier. With each year that passes, my love of Lord increases as my relationship with Jesus' mother, and mine grows more intimate.I began my preparation to renew my consecration on Monday and today is day 3. As I read each day, I plan to share any widom that resonates with me, throughout this Lenten season and my personal time of preparation. In the past I have used different texts to prepare; this year I am using TAN Classics: True Devotion to Mary with Preparation for Total Consecration
Day 3 Wisdom
“For there a man makes great progress and merits greater grace where he overcomes himself more and mortifies himself in spirit. But all men have not equal difficulties to overcome and mortify. Yet he that is diligent and zealous, although he may have more passions to fight against, will be able to make a greater progress than another who has fewer passions but is withal less fervent in the pursuit of virtue… It is a greater task to resist vices and passions than to toil at bodily labors. He that does not shun small defects by little and little falls into greater. The greater violence thou offerest to thyself the greater progress thou shalt make.To advance in virtue we must overcome and renounce ourselves in all things and die to the insatiable desires of our heart. It is certain that we can merit in the service of God only in proportion as we do violence to ourselves. Wherefore, let us fight against and subdue the irregular inclinations which allure us to sin or to relaxation of our fervor; by this means we shall secure our salvation. A vigorous, constant, and generous effort to overcome ourselves, forwards us more in the ways of perfection… The more we die to ourselves, the more we live to God; and the more we refuse to gratify ourselves, so much the more do we please Him. How delightful must the life of that Christian be whose desires are so regulated that his chief happiness is in denying himself, and pleasing God! How sure a means of obtaining a happy eternity!”
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